shown a Pablo's Birthday Gallery May 2019
if you ask me to i will try not to forget
ifyouaskmeto I’ll Remember

an interactive web archive that generates shapes based on people’s input memories. These shapes are then output as temporary tattoo the participants can take with them (on their skin or in their pockets) This site and output will exist in a curated space of mixed media and textiles.
If you ask me to is a two part installation during which tattoo forms are generated based on audience’s input memories- as well as output in the hall for the audience to take with them. As a part of the opening of the show I will be “tattooing” participants who choose to partake in that aspect of the experience
media & concept is a participatory web based art piece that includes both digital and physical elements. The physical elements include handmade textiles and custom temporary tattoos. While the digital is a web-based archive and the automated tattoo dispenser. In the conception of this project I was thinking about how we individually archive memory and the triggers we associate with memory. Memories are something deeply personal and intangible, that we carry within ourselves. Through interacting with this piece people will swap memories with a previous participant. By submitting memories to their blob will join the archive to be printed as tattoos. When pressing the button on “if you ask me to i will try not to forget” they will cause the output of a temporary tattoo from another’s memory. 
I focused on the idea that memory is an illusion- what is remembered is not necessarily what is real. So the shapes are generated relatively arbitrarily- based on letters and word count. Just as what we remember and how can be rather arbitrary. 
A video of the tattoo application performance will be playing as the screensaver of the computer with the website. The tattoo “printer” set up next to a mirror with a shelf bowl of water and towel to do the water transfers.
dimensions vary
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